Beauty is measured not by colour, not by skin texture, not by frame, not by name. Not even by posture, grace, or long finger nails. Ever wondered why it is said that 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'? One could say that each man perceives beauty differently. Why do you think that is..
Many poets and aesthetes of yore spoke of the beauty of trees and birds and spring and bloom. You would be blind not to see beauty in those. It's there for all to see. And you're not really pushing your god given perceptive ability in attempting to see and appreciate that. Ironically though, it seems to take a herculean effort for man to see the beauty in his fellow beings. Our generation, it seems, has taken superficial longing and attraction and love to a whole new level. Sad part? No one sees it for what it is.
One can philosophise about the whole damn deal and say, karmically speaking, each gets only that which he deserves. That has to be true. Does willingly walking into a hell hole make it any different?
Or maybe we're too well informed and are hence more critical, judgmental and cynical. We see the superficiality for what it is, squirm and complain about it, yet participate actively and promote it, even if only involuntarily, philosophise over the futility of the whole endeavour and then indulge some more in it.
The endless cycle of cynicism, useless perceptive awareness, inevitable helpless participation and hence retribution. Is all of this enriching our journey and quest for purpose of deviating us from the course? But then isn't the point of this whole journey self realisation to the extent possible and maybe even more? Sometimes it seems a lot easier to be hard on oneself than to be hard on someone else.
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