Miniscule and trivial as the cause may seem, for lack of a better cause, life seems distraught. To what occasion I owe this wrought of unrest and fraught of the more benign spirit of humankind, I may not and cannot concede to whatever hungry ears and eyes may now be devouring this piece of utter un-worth.
Thou art here and I know it. To what imaginable usage that can be put, is a question unto eternity? Is it thine intellectual disposition or your predecessor’s ineffable affection? What is it that hast bound me so? Which of you has my emotions chained rendering them unemployable for any other? Can I accredit you with so much for a mere acquaintance of a few months? Or can I undermine the impact of your predecessor’s affliction to the heart whose echoes leave me not after all the time that hast past?
For lack of a more noble and worthy cause, for lack of a more engaging habit, for lack of a more driving purpose, for lack of some source of engulfing employment I submit to thee, the most unworthy of causes, thou love.
Although easier said than done, past afflictions should not influence possible affections: for you don't know what joys it may bring! Love in itself can never be an unworthy cause, if only we could say why we love....the use of the word "why", would only show self-interest. When it comes to emotions, the right question is: should I? The subtlety is always hidden. Emotions, when unchained, uninhibited: expressed, are representations of your true-self. So do what you love doing the most: being expressive.
Yes. But expressive at the cost of what?Possible permanant estrangement? Would one ever wilfully choose being subject to such afflictions?
If a relation is so fickle that words can break it down, then what's the point of such a relationship? If there is truth in your emotions, then you shouldn't be afraid of anything, back yourself and maintain trust. Just make sure you express it the way it should be, no melodramas. Well, there still are few specimens who willfully subject themselves to such afflictions, you know who....the power of genuine communication is immense, just have faith in it.
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