I am a lot more than all that. And I will prove it to you. Someday, when I am ready to show you and when you are willing perhaps. You presumptuous beetle, you. You thought you could write just because you had the tools to pen down in front of you? What is the extent of your knowledge? What have you been able to comprehend so far? What makes you think that what you say shall stand the test of time, let alone, a few other peers? What makes you think that you can come up with a random bunch of sentences and just get them to be passed on as your words? Do you know that events have consequences in the form of other events? Don’t you even know that what you say unpreceeded by thought, as always, has implications and shall indeed affect others around you and alter the way they perceive and react to you? don’t you even understand the fundamental fact that those others around you are human and not necessarily naively humane enough to excuse your idiocy of emotion and will not stand to stand by you no matter what? What blinds you from the fact that... you are meant to walk the path yourself. Yes, you are here by yourself. No matter what you do and how you do it to curtain and shield yourself from it, you are bound to be so. Yes, they will not come. Neither him nor him. Your way is perhaps as yet undefined in your mind’s eye. But already defined, it is. And you shall go just that way, like it or not. And reach you will, that ultimate pinnacle of destinations, whatever that may be for you. So stop not, that will not help you. Doubt not, that will not push you. Believe, blindly if need be, in the strength of the purpose of your creation and sustenance till date. And keep hitting.
You definitely are meant to walk the path yourself. Then why limit your actions? I mean why bring in the thought that your words, your sentences, or your actions will not be tolerated by people around you who are not humane enough. If they don't, they will not. You anyways know that you are alone, and its essentially true. If you know that you are the only traveler in your path, then don't be afraid of scaring away possible or potential fellow travelers. Their presence is afterall nothing but an illusion. :)
do not disagree. but wat abt the fundamental fact of nature, man is a social animal? if we were meant t live our own way..unhindered by fellow species.. y be identified in groups..or else identified as radicals or renegades or.. societal outcastes by virtue of paths or minds...?
True, as humans we have a lot things that are common and we do feel the need to be together and everything. But just like our fingerprints and DNA, the grey matter in our head is different and this causes us to think, act and react in a unique way to similar situations. There might be similarities in patterns, which are probably the side-effect of upbringing and environment. But I feel that every single person has to go about himself to reach his destiny, there might be passengers who travel with him for some parts of the journey, but hardly will you find someone who sticks with you to your destination till the end. If you feel there are people who are with you at some point of time, then one should never make the assumption that they will be there always, maybe you will find some other people later with whom you identify for that part of your life. That makes me thin that one himself is the architect, planner and executor of his own life's journey.
Humans might have started to live together in groups to better protect themselves from wild animals, cultivate crops and reproduce. Then, to avoid chaos and disorder, rules came into place, which emphasized the need to be together for mutual benefit of everyone. The community was a way of overcoming the weakness of the human physique through the mental strength.
Not untrue again.Yet,thers something abt travelling together. Goals r unique nd individual much like th DNA.but paths CAN coincide. Its tht coincidence I'm talking abt.tht coincidence nd co-travelling isnt an impossibility. its nt a no-no. th idea is exploration. evaluation. look around u. r u really as alone as those words that came from u indicate..?
Sure.. its definitely not a no-no. But u got to be a firm believer in faith and almost an eternal optimist. If that co-incidence does happen, one should consider himself lucky, as if it was a bonus, not what he was expecting. As far as the question of me being alone is concerned, I am surrounded by friends, good friends with whom I've shared a lot,had some great times together. But I don't expect them to be a part of everything I do. In that sense, you can say I am alone and not really bothered about being so.
bonus indeed.I dont undermine tht. but its a quintessential bonus in life.a much needed one. in tht sense, lets call it a..important line tht reinforces th purpose of this one line and path we'r on.
Gr8.. Point agreed on. so, finally ends ur most commented blogpost till date. Congratulations ChocolateDevil!
:) Thank you aLF@.sound like some alien proper nouns there. chocolateDevil and aLF@.mebe i'l cal u aLF@17288 :P adds some more zing t the name .. hehe
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